Thursday, November 27, 2014

Installing SOA 12c on a Mac

Having SOA installed on Windows 7 and working on it since long, I thought of trying my hands on my Mac running OS Yosemite. I have successfully installed SOA 12c on my Mac. Oracle has made it simpler to install SOA 12c for Mac, I still remember how I struggled while installing 11g.

Pre requisites:
1) You need to have Java 7 (jre-7u71-macosx-x64.dmg) installed on your Mac. Steps for installing Java can be found on


1) Download SOA 12c from Oracle site ( for Mac (

2) Once the file is downloaded, unzip the file. Open Terminal and Navigate to the directory containing the .jar files as shown below

Run Java -jar fmw_12.

3) This will bring up the installer, change the OS Group accordingly. I choose everyone. Click OK

 4) First page of the instller, Click Next

5) OracleWls_Home directory will be shown, you can choose your own directory. I went with the default one. Click Next

6) Click Install

7) Next

8) Installation is done, This is the last page. Make sure Start JDeveloper is Enabled and click on Finish

9) JDeveloper will start

10) After start you will see Application Server navigator, where the domain as Unconfigured. Configured the domain either by doing right click on the IntegratedWeblogicServer or by navigating to Run menu as shown in the screen shot below

11) Upon its first time start, a window will open where you will be setting up the password for your local Weblogic. Click OK once done

Thats it. It will take few minutes to configure and start the server. Once started you can access EM using http://localhost:7101/em on your safari.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the post, Could you please let me know the configuration that suffice to run the weblogic server in Mac. I am planning for Mac book air ( i5/4GB RAM). 4 GB RAM is sufficient to run the server properly? Kindly help me.

Abhishek Saurabh said...


I tried it with 8GB, and it run fantastic on my Mac.
But I have also seen this running on a 4GB Mac on my friends system. It runs fine until some other heavy applications hinders its performance

Unknown said...

Hi Abhishek thanks for the post.
i had followed all the steps which u have provided here.but i just want to know anotherthing that where the OSB will install in 12c.
Actually as i knw osb also integrated with SOA only know in 12c.

but in this blog it is not there so...

Abhishek Saurabh said...

Hi Hema,

Yes, you are right. With SOA 12c, OSB is integrated with it. Once you login to EM Console, under Target Navigation - SOA, you can see service-bus (Default Server) and soa-infra (DefaultServer).

By default all deployed composite for OSB will come under service-bus (Default Server) - default.


Unknown said...

Can we install 11g in mac?? Without windows
If yes can please guide me

Unknown said...

Can we install 11g in mac without windows if yes can please guide

kumar said...

I am getting below error while installing in my macbook pro. Can you help me here.

Extracting the installer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done
Checking if CPU speed is above 300 MHz. Actual 2355.2 MHz Passed
Checking swap space: must be greater than 512 MB. Actual 161515 MB Passed
Checking if this platform requires a 64-bit JVM. Actual 64 Passed
Checking temp space: must be greater than 300 MB. Actual 161515 MB Passed
Preparing to launch the Oracle Universal Installer from /private/var/folders/4c/t62q0cz90855pkph0z98f7g00000gn/T/OraInstall2018-07-19_12-05-08PM
Unrecognized option: -d64
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

Naag said...

Navigate to "/private/var/folders/4c/t62q0cz90855pkph0z98f7g00000gn/T/OraInstall2018-07-19_12-05-08PM" edit the shell script ( file by commenting "-d64" and save and run the shell script.
Install JDK1.8 and run the .jar on top of JDK1.8

Unknown said...

Hi Kumar,

I had the same Unrecognized option: -d64. error on my mac while installing weblogic SOA suite 12c, and upon reading several blogs on this topic, it was at least known the issue was with JDK version. I was earlier using jdk 14 but still I had this error on my installation. I also tried using open jdk , but there was different error that open jdk version is not supported.

But upon research for 2 days and trial and error, finally I was able to overcome this error and able to install soa suite on my Mac.
The correct version used in my case was JDK 8

Step1. I removed all JDK version from my machine.
Step2. Installed java 8 update 251 from
With New Mac os, there might be error upon installation, so follow to install.

Then with this new Java you would be able to execute the fmw jars.
I executed "java -jar fmw_12." from
/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_251.jdk/Contents/Home/bin path
and the process went smooth and installation was successful.

Hope this helps.

Preeti said...

Create a New Folder and place both the jars in that folder and run the command java -jar fmw_12. into this path /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_251.jdk/Contents/Home/bin does not work

Rohan said...

Hi Preeti,

Is there any specific error you are getting.
java -jar fmw_12. will only work if you have compatible Java installed and you are running the command either from java bin directory, or if your JAVA_HOME is set, then you can run the same command from the SOA-downloaded-jar-folder itself.

In simple terms:
If java is installed at this location : /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_251.jdk/Contents/Home/bin
Then run command from this folder only. Try below :

myComp@Macuser-MBP bin % java -jar your/Path/To/Soa/Folder/fmw_12.

Preeti said...

Can any one provide me the link to install SOA Quick start installer in MACOS