Thursday, November 27, 2014

Installing SOA 12c on a Mac

Having SOA installed on Windows 7 and working on it since long, I thought of trying my hands on my Mac running OS Yosemite. I have successfully installed SOA 12c on my Mac. Oracle has made it simpler to install SOA 12c for Mac, I still remember how I struggled while installing 11g.

Pre requisites:
1) You need to have Java 7 (jre-7u71-macosx-x64.dmg) installed on your Mac. Steps for installing Java can be found on


1) Download SOA 12c from Oracle site ( for Mac (

2) Once the file is downloaded, unzip the file. Open Terminal and Navigate to the directory containing the .jar files as shown below

Run Java -jar fmw_12.

3) This will bring up the installer, change the OS Group accordingly. I choose everyone. Click OK

 4) First page of the instller, Click Next

5) OracleWls_Home directory will be shown, you can choose your own directory. I went with the default one. Click Next

6) Click Install

7) Next

8) Installation is done, This is the last page. Make sure Start JDeveloper is Enabled and click on Finish

9) JDeveloper will start

10) After start you will see Application Server navigator, where the domain as Unconfigured. Configured the domain either by doing right click on the IntegratedWeblogicServer or by navigating to Run menu as shown in the screen shot below

11) Upon its first time start, a window will open where you will be setting up the password for your local Weblogic. Click OK once done

Thats it. It will take few minutes to configure and start the server. Once started you can access EM using http://localhost:7101/em on your safari.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Oracle 12c MFT - Using PGP Decryption

This is in continuation of my last blog, Oracle 12c MFT - Using PGP Encryption, here we will understand on how to decrypt the file which was encrypted using PGP Encryption technique.

I would recommend you to go through my PGP Encyption blog to understand the process.

Once the Keys are available (created and imported during Encryption), doing Decryption will be quite simple. We will be using Private Key for decrypting the file.

1) Goto MFT console Design Tab, and for Transfer, select add pre-processing actions.

2) Once window opens, select PGP Decryption for the drop down and Add to the list.
Select Decryption Alias. Click OK

And you are all done.

Oracle 12c MFT - Using PGP Encryption

While creating Transfers in MFT, we have came across various pre-processing actions, such as Compress, decompress, PGP Encryption and PGP Decryption. These operations will be done for securing Files which is getting transferred from Source to Target.

Lets learn now how to use PGP Encryption.

Before using PGP Encryption, we need to create PGP Key using WLST command. Below are detailed steps on how to acheive the same.

1) Navigate to OracleWLS_Home\mft\common\bin
2) Once you are there, Run wlst.cmd

3) You are now on wlst prompt, Now connect to your server using following command

4) Above prompt shows that you are now connected to server. Now we will have to generate the PGP Key to create a password-protected PGP key pair. Fire the wlst command for generating Key, as-
generateKeys('PGP', 'Password for the key','Location name where you want keys to get generated')

Note: I have created a seperate new directory under my local domain to contain all the Keys

This will create two keys - pub.asc (Public) and secret.asc (Private)

5) Now you will have to import the PGP key pair to the server and will also create an alias for both Public and Private keys.
Use below commands to do the same:
importCSFKey('PGP', 'PUBLIC', 'Alias Name', 'full location/pub.asc')
importCSFKey('PGP', 'PRIVATE', 'Alias Name', 'full location/secret.asc')

6) Now as your Key pairs are generated and imported successfully, Go back to MFT console. Now rest of the configuration will happen there.

7) Login to MFT console and navigate to administration Tab - Keystores.
Enter the same password which was used during Generating key in the PGP Keystore section. Save the changes

8) Now you are all good to use this setup in creating Transfers. Goto MFT console Design Tab, and for Transfer, select add pre-processing actions.

Once a window opens, select PGP Encryption for the drop down and Add to the list.
Select Encryption Alias and the Armored section. Click OK

 And you are all set. You file will be Encrypted.

Oracle 12c MFT - Configuring sFTP Embed

Oracle 12c MFT includes built-in sFTP (SSH-FTP) server, known as sFTP Embedded. You can see this in MFT console drop down when you configure Source.

sFTP Embed has its own file system directories for sending and receiving files. By default, this is disabled, we need to configure it before using it.

Lets learn step by step on how to configure this.

For configuring sFTP (SSH-FTP), we need to create SSH Keystore using WLST command. Below are detailed steps on how to acheive the same.

1) Navigate to OracleWLS_Home\mft\common\bin
2) Once you are there, Run wlst.cmd

3) You are now on wlst prompt, Now connect to your server using following command

4) Above prompt shows that you are now connected to server. Now we will have to generate the Key to create a password-protected private SSH key. The key type is RSA and the key size is 1024 bits. Fire the wlst command for generating Key, as
generateKeys('SSH','Password for the key','Key Name with full location')

Note: I have created a new directory under my local domain to contain all the Keys

5) Now you will have to import the key to the server and will also create an alias for the key.
Use below command to do the same:
importCSFKey('SSH', 'PRIVATE', 'Alias Name', 'Key Name with full location')

6) Now as your Key generation and import is done, Go back to MFT console. Now rest of the configuration will happen there.

7) Login to MFT console and navigate to administration Tab - Keystores.
Enter the same password which was used during Generating key in the SSH Keystore section. Save the changes

8) Click on Embedded servers and go to the sFTP tab. Check the Enabled button, Choose Authentication Type as Password and Host Key Alias (the same alias which was created at the time of importing the key to the server).

Save the changes, click on Start button

9) Now your sFTP Embed server is up and running, this by default runs on Port 7522. You can check the same in the Ports section (You can change the port, but I would recommend to keep this as it is.)

10) So now you are all set to use sFTP Embedded feature of Oracle 12c MFT. You can even connect to the sFTP location using any client like WinScp.

Go ahead and try this awesome feature.

Note: The default root directory location for this is OracleWLS_Home/user_projects/domains/your -Default Domain/mft/ftp_root (This can be changed and configured from MFT console, I would prefer to use the same path)

Monday, November 24, 2014

SOA 12c Creating Derby Database Connection

JavaDB (Derby) is used to run SOA Suite repository on that is used for the integrated server. It is a development database that allows one to start development with SOA Suite without the need to run RCU.

How to create connection:
The steps are quite simple.

1) You need to Open Database Navigator, as shown below

2) Create a new connection

3) Choose Java DB (Derby) from Connection Type drop down and give connection Name

4) Automatically all details will be filled up, but you need to choose the Library. Click on the glass search window and choose Java DB JDBC Driver. Click Ok

5) Test the connection

6) Now you can see the connection in Jdeveloper. Its good to go now

Friday, November 21, 2014

Updating SOA 12c Domain for MFT

This is the last step required for MFT. After this is complete you can go ahead and use MFT.

You should complete steps specified earlier such as SOA 12c Installation with Default local server setup, Database Installation, MFT Installation and RCU creation.

Steps for Updating Domain:

1) Open cmd for Administrator and navigate to ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\common\bin, as shown below.

Note: ORACLE_HOME is the location where your SOA12c is installed.

2) You need to set JVM argument as -


3) Then run config.cmd

4) This will open Wizard, as you have already a domain setup (your local SOA server), we will update the existing domain for MFT. Make sure the Domain location is your local server location. Choose Next

5) Choose the check boxes as shown below for MFT, click Next

6) Here choose AutoConfiguration option as RCU
Vendor: Oracle
DBMS/Service: This will be the SID which you had used during Database installation time. IN my case this was orcl.
Give Hostname, Port, User name and password
Schema Owner: It should be the Schema which was created during RCU creation. In my case it was DEV_STB and then provide schema password.

Once this is done press Get RCU Configuration. Once it is all OK, Click Next

7) Choose MFT specific check boxes as specified in screen shot, Click Next

8) Choose as per the Screen shot below, Click Next

9) Leave this page as it is and Click Next

10) Now click Update on the summary page

11) This will update the existing domain, and shows its progress, Click Next once done

12)  Thats all, click Finish.

So that's it. You are all good to use MFT.

You can open MFT Console using URL: http://hostname:port/mftconsole
You can change Hostname & port according to your environment setup. By default for local system port will be 7101

RCU Creation for Oracle 12c MFT

This is continuation of my previous blog which is about MFT installation. We have already covered Database 12c installation and MFT installation, now lets focus on RCU creation for MFT.

Step by Step:

RCU file resides under your ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\bin
ORACLE_HOME here is place where your SOA is installed

1) To start with, first of all you will have to set your Java Jdk Home and Oracle Home (Oracle Database home). I have configured it based on the plave where I had installed Java and Database, as shown in below screen shot.

2) Navigate to ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\bin and run rcu.bat (for Windows)

3) This will open RCU welcome window as shown below, Click Next

4) This window you will have to provide your database details, like port, SID, sys username and its password (which you have given during Database installation). Choose Role as Sysdba and click Next

5) DEV_MFT for MFT RCU is selected, Click Next. After this Prerequisite check window will appear, click Ok once complete

6) Choose Schema Password, Click Next

7) Click Next, Click OK on confirmation window, which will then create Tablespace

8) Once Summary is displayed, verify the details (keep a screen shot of this window, it will be required during MFT Domain creation), and Click on Create

Once this is complete, Completion Summary page will appear showing status of the RCU run. Choose Close button, RCU run is completed successfully.

Now refer to my next blog which will talk about updating the existing Domain for MFT.