Sunday, January 16, 2011

Exporting ESB Metadata

Exporting entire ESB metadata

Follow the steps below to achieve the result:
1) Login to SOA Server (10g) from backend viz. using Putty, and set your environment.
2) Navigate to <SOA_HOME>/integration/esb/bin
3) Run the command to export entire ESB metadata like:
4) You will see a output message as:

Setting Protocol = http
Dec 29, 2010 11:14:16 AM oracle.tip.esb.lifecycle.HttpHandler logInfo
INFO: Exporting metadata from the server [host=oradev,port=7777,user=oc4jadmin] to
file "/u01/app/oracle/product/10g/OracleAS_3/integration/esb/bin/"
Dec 29, 2010 11:14:16 AM oracle.tip.esb.lifecycle.HttpHandler main
INFO: Export completed successfully!!!

Steps shown above are done on SOA Server 10g running on Linux environment.

1 comment:

Tani said...

Thanks for sharing your valuable knowledge to us. Simply understand every one.Can you pls post more ?

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