Here I am going to give a overview of different patterns related to Human Workflow.
Simple Workflow:
In simple workflow some user activity is required for the business process to carry on. The business process may still continue, if human task expires, along some other flow.
Simple Workflow with Auto Escalation:
When a human task expires, the task can then be escalated to assignee’s manager (default rule) or to some other person, as specified by the Escalation Function.
Simple Workflow with Auto Renewal:
Renewal differs from Escalation, in terms, when the task is escalated; it goes to some other person, when renewed, the task is reassigned to the same user.
Sequential Workflow:
This pattern routes the human task to business users in a sequential manner.
Sequential Workflow with Escalation:
In case some user is not performing an action for desired time, his task could be escalated to his supervisors.
Parallel Workflow:
When multiple users work on a single task at a given point of time, for example, Public suggesions.
Adhoc Workflow:
The task is assigned to a user, where he decides where the task should go next, and completes when one of the assignees finally work on the task.
FYI Tasks:
FYI tasks are those which just allow the assignees to add comments/attachments, but their action does not affect the execution of business process.
External Routing Service:
When a third party routing algorithm determines the assignment and routing policy.
Task Continuation:
Task continuation where in the history, attachments and comments are accessible from the previous task. An example could be if you wish to implement Parallel workflow with final reviewer. The first task would be a group vote, and in second task, you can check task continuation, for the reviewer to understand basis of vote, if need be.
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