This post is in continuation to my post dated 27th september 07 on exception ORABPEL-05002. I have found some real good points to deal with such exceptions.
The exception looks like this,
Failed to handle dispatch message ... exception ORABPEL-05002
Message handle error.
An exception occurred while attempting to process the message "com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.message.instance.PerformMessage"; the exception is: An exception occurred during transaction completion: ; nested exception is: javax.transaction.RollbackException: Timed out.
You need to follow the steps mentioned below:
1.) Goto $Oracle_Home\j2ee\home\config\transaction-manager.xml:
change the transaction-timeout parameter, say 'x'
2.) Goto $Oracle_Home\j2ee\home\application-deployments\orabpel\ ejb_ob_engine\orion-ejb-jar.xml:
change the transaction-timeout parameter, say 'y' (i.e. y < x)
3.) Goto BPELConsole:
Change the syncMaxWaitTime in all domains, where you need a bigger timeout
4.) Restart the application server (SOA Server)
While setting the parameter values, be careful because by doing so you will block threads by using long-running synchronous invokes. So as a result, it can affect the performance of BPEL engine.