Wednesday, June 16, 2010



JTA transaction is not present or the transaction is not in active state.
The current JTA transaction is not present or it is not in active state when processing activity or instance "4260005-BpInv5-BpTry7.13-1". Please consult your administrator regarding this error.

Some Thoughts:
You can encounter this error if response time of adapter is greater than the predefined waiting time for a BPEL instance.As a result process does not get dehydrated on time and fails by throwing this error.

A better solution for above problem should be to increase the transaction-timeout values in order to make the BPEL instance to wait more time until a response returns from the adapter.

Following are the steps you should follow to acheive the result:

1) Stop SOA Server

1) Goto SOA_Home\j2ee\config\transaction-manager.xml, serach for transaction-timeout and set transaction-timeout for e.g. to 7200 or more (default value is 30).

2) Goto SOA_Home\j2ee\application-deployments\orabpel\ejb_ob_engine\orion-ejb-jar.xml and set all transaction-timeout to 3600 or more. The value passed here should be always less than the value which is mentioned in step 2.

3) Goto SOA_Home\bpel\domains\config\domain.xml and set syncMaxWaitTime to 240 or more. The value passed here should be always less than the value which is mentioned in step 3. (Default value is 45)

4) Start SOA server and run the process again. Process should work fine.

1 comment:

Nagaraju said...

Hi Abhishek,

We are gettting this issue not continously but some times, I sthere permanent fix for this?

Nagaraju D