Thursday, July 23, 2009

OWSM: File-based authentication

Incorporate File based authentication in OWSM

A good article is already there from Oracle on this topic. I just want to highlight that there is a change in syntax for encoding the file in SOA and SOA We will be using a md5encode utility for doing text file based authentication in OWSM.

After creating Gateway and its related service in OWSM, we need to add a policy i.e. file based authentication.
Create a text file and add a user name and password in the following format:- User_name:Password

Now save the file with extension as .htpassword. Now we have to use the md5encode operation to encode the password associated with a user_name.

Syntax: SOA
>wsmadmin md5encode username password htpasswdfile

username – User name in the text file;
password – Password assigned to the user;
htpasswdfile – Name of the file containing the user name and password

Syntax: SOA
>wsmadmin md5encode htpasswdfile username

htpasswdfile – Name of the file containing the user name and password;
username – User name in the text file

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