Monday, March 29, 2010

MCF Property in WSDL

MCF stands for "Managed Connection Factories". When configuring a Database Adapter using Adapter Configuration Wizard, a Database Connection is required to configure the adapter. This connection you create inside connection Navigator->Database.

Once the adapter is created, a WSDL file is automatically created that includes the adapter definition. This includes the Managed Connection Factory (MCF) properties as well as the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name (which you create on Enterprise Manager side), as shown below:

<service name="UpdateEmpTable">
<port name="UpdateEmpTable_pt" binding="tns:UpdateEmpTable_binding">
<jca:address location="eis/DB/MyDBHR" UIConnectionName="MyDB" ManagedConnectionFactory="oracle.tip.adapter.db.DBManagedConnectionFactory" mcf.DriverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" mcf.PlatformClassName="" mcf.ConnectionString="jdbc:oracle:thin:@//" mcf.UserName="hr" mcf.Password="8498F4AC99532042CRECC296529B23E6" />

If you are using JNDI then manually remove MCF properties from your code once development is complete.

Email to multiple Recipients

Sending Email from BPEL to multiple recipients

It might just be the smallest topic I have ever blogged about, just thought to share it with you all.
EmailPayload of the Notification Service takes a String. If that String contains a comma separated list of email-addresses, it will send emails to each of the adresses in that list.
For example: